What’s On Your Nightstand: January 2016

What's On Your NightstandThe folks at 5 Minutes For Books host What’s On Your Nightstand? the last Tuesday of each month in which we can share about the books we have been reading and/or plan to read.

I always seem to start off Nightstand posts with a comment about how fast time has flown since the last one. I know that must get boring – but, wow, I can’t believe we’ve almost finished a month of 2016! I’m thankful to have had some good reading this month.

Since last time I have completed:

Gilead by Marilynne Robinson, reviewed here. As I have said the last couple of Nightstand posts, it was very hard for me to get into at first, but ultimately it was worth it.

Why Christ Came: 31 Meditations on the Incarnation by Joel R. Beeke, reviewed here.

A Prairie Christmas Collection: 9 Historical Christmas Romances from America’s Great Plains by several authors including Tracie Peterson and Deborah Raney, reviewed here.

SEAL of God by Chad Williams and David Thomas, reviewed here.

Searching for Eternity by Elizabeth Musser, reviewed here. Excellent. Will probably be one of my top ten of the year.

I’m currently reading:

Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens, audiobook.

What Are You Afraid Of: Facing Down Your Fears With Faith by David Jeremiah (excellent so far)

Emily’s Quest for Carrie’s Lucy Maud Montgomery Reading Challenge this month. I need to get cracking as this month is almost at an end. I’m afraid I just don’t like Emily very much, so I’m not always motivated except that I do want to complete the series.

The Bronte Plot by Katherine Reay. Love.

Up Next:

Little Town on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder and Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography by Laura Ingalls Wilder and Pamela Smith Hill for the Laura Ingalls Wilder Reading Challenge in February.

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass.

Big Love: The Practice of Loving Beyond Your Limits by Kara Tippetts

If I get through all those, I’ll likely choose next something from my reading plans for the year or from the books I got for Christmas.

I want to invite you to join in the aforementioned Laura Ingalls Wilder Reading Challenge. More information is here, and I’ll have a sign-up post on February 1.

Happy Reading!

8 thoughts on “What’s On Your Nightstand: January 2016

  1. I don’t think I completed but one book the whole month! Thanks for your list. A very wide variety of subjects. Have a great day.

  2. You always have several books that sound interesting to me. I’ve read a couple of “Anne” books, but somehow they never sparked my interest, say, like LIWilder’s books did. I read a Charlotte Bronte book this month, so The Bronte Plot sounds really good to me!

  3. I never could get into Gilead, but I never got very far into it before I gave up. Maybe that’s my issue. ha. Glad to hear you liked it in the end. I read your review on SEAL of God yesterday and it sounds intriguing. David Jeremiah’s title sounds like something I could use too.

  4. I feel the same way about Emily. She’s not my favorite of Montgomery’s characters and sometimes I feel like I just *have* to read her. But it’s less of a *want to*.

    I also recall feeling much the same about Gilead. Both of my parents LOVED it and highly recommended it. It took me a little bit of effort to get into it, but I think the writing is beautiful. I can’t remember the storyline worth beans (except perhaps a scene here or there) but I do remember ultimately feeling like it was a satisfying read.

  5. I read one book by Marilynne Robinson and hated it. I haven’t been able to pick up another book by her since. I remember trying to read Emily when I was in my teens and just couldn’t do it. I did read through the series a few years ago and though Emily is not my favorite I did enjoy the story. Emily is SO different from Anne that it is kind of a shock to the system.

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