Quirky, random, and/or little known facts about me

Before the holidays I saw a meme going around to list seven things about oneself — one had little-known things, one had weird or quirky things, one had random things. I can’t remember if anyone tagged me (and if so, forgive me, I’ve forgotten who) or if I just thought it might be fun to do. But I’m combining all these various types of facts into one list.

1. In the “You might not know…” category, I seem outwardly to be a mild-mannered librarian sort (I actually was a librarian in college), but I can be very competitive in games. Not cutthroat — but competitive. At least in games where I have some kind of skill.

2. Speaking of games, in the “quirky” category, I seem to have a penchant for getting three “I’s” in Scrabble trays, whether the board game, computer game, or Facebook games.

Scrabble trays

When I started noticing it, I began taking pictures. These are just 9 out of 17, and that’s just from the time I started taking pictures of them — who knows how many times it happened before that. Weird, huh?

(By the way, thanks to my blog friend Ellen, The Happy Wonderer, for telling me how to do collages. She often has great ones on her site. She told me if you use Picasa 3, there’s a button on the toolbar for collages….and there it was! Duh! I had never even noticed, but I was happy to learn something new today!)

3. I don’t like most flavored drinks, like different flavors of tea or coffee. Saves me a bundle at Starbucks, but I do feel sometimes I’m missing out on a cultural phenomenon.

4. I like iced tea (unsweetened, decaf), but not hot tea. I wish I did — it would add to the variety of warm drinks available in cold weather. But the smell makes me almost nauseous.

5. I don’t like angels. Well, the real angels, yes — they have a vital role in God’s kingdom, but not most art and craft depictions of them. Most are usually feminine or cutesy, far from how Scripture portrays them. If I am going to have angels in art, I want them this way:


(Archangel Michael by Guido Reni, courtesy of Art.com, here depicted in a battle against the devil.)

6. I don’t know how to type — not the correct way. In fact, in college, where most girls typed their boyfriends papers in the days before computers made such things so much easier, my boyfriend (now husband) typed mine. I mainly use my two index fingers, but I have kind of developed my own method. (Although, now that I actually observe myself typing, seem to use my two longest middle fingers the most.)

7. I haven’t figured out Sudoku. But then I have absolutely no desire to. I probably should exercise that part of my brain more.

If you’d like to share six quirky, random, and/or little known facts about yourself, consider yourself tagged!

12 thoughts on “Quirky, random, and/or little known facts about me

  1. I cant type very well either
    I cant and never have been able to touch type
    I kind of 4 finger type and look up sometimes

    I wouldnt worry about number 7 your not the only one
    and like you it doesnt bother me

  2. I enjoyed reading your answers. I bet there is an abundance of the letter I in scrabble and that increases your odds of getting 3 every time. I love to play and would be interested in your computer game. Did you download one? I’ve played the trial ones and loved it. I also like the Trivia games.
    I haven’t mastered Sudoku either.
    Mama Bear

  3. YOUR quirky/random little known facts are interesting! Every time I do this one, it’s BORING!

    I like your thoughts on angels though. It’s funny – because I collect angels — cute and pretty ones. But when I think of God’s angels I don’t picture them as any different than US – with the EXCEPTION of the arch angels – who I do picture as bigger, stronger and more powerful.

  4. Too funny. Personally, I love the flavored coffees but can’t stand regular coffee. The price tag for them, however, is outlandish so it is a rare and wondrous thing for me to actually go get one. A packet of cocoa mix and some regular coffee combine for a passable mocha, so that’s what I usually do if I’m craving one. I’ve been trying to avoid them, though, for calorie count purposes.

    Hot herbal teas are awesome in the winter, yes. The minty ones are my favorites. Since I don’t drink plain coffee, this is my only low-cal choice for hot drinks in morning/late night. Cocoa or cider are other options if I don’t care about the calories. Since I’m working so hard to drop this weight, though, tea is my primary choice during winter.

    I absolutely agree about the angels. The cute, fat little babies are not at all what they are really like. They are warriors, for goodness sakes!

    Since you like Scrabble, maybe the Wordoku puzzles would make more sense to you. They did to me; Sudoku got boring just counting 1-9 over and over. Wordoku is the same concept, but you are using letters that make a logical word, which makes it much easier to see if you’ve made a mistake somewhere. I had a couple of books of them and one was my clear favorite, but unfortunately I’ve lost it or I’d recommend that specific one.

  5. What a hoot about the “iii’s” in the Scrabble games. That is odd.

    I agree with you on the angels!!

    It took me a long time to figure out Sudoku, I actually learned by using a video game version!! But once I did it has become a nice way to pass time in the parents’ waiting room when I’m not reading.

    So sorry you don’t like flavored teas–I’ve got a collection! But I still have plain & decaf and can make you ice tea when you visit ;).


  6. It is always so interesting to sneak a peep at someone elses posts – your facts made me smile. Especially the Scrabble/Sudoku ones. My husband has a theory that you are either a numbers person or a letters person – we share the Saturday paper – I do the crossword (and love Scrabble) and then pass it to him to do the Sudoku!

    Hope 2009 is treating you well!


  7. I love typing! I love touch screens! I think that’s because it has got to do a lot with my work.

    Whenever I visit Starbucks, I only order plain long black. I don’t even bother with the sugar. Only occasionally would I order something different…

    I’m trying to exercise my brain more and apparently by doing rapid simple maths, it helps!

  8. Pingback: Together on Tuesdays Introduction « Stray Thoughts

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