On our 40th anniversary


This evening marks 40 years my husband and I have been married!

I had not planned to post about it until next week’s Friday’s Fave Five. But then I accidentally came across a post from ten years ago on 30 things I love about my husband on our 30th anniversary. So I thought I’d repeat and expand it.

40 Things I Love About My Husband:

1. He loves God.

2. He fulfills well the admonition in Deuteronomy 6:7 to teach children God’s Word in the course of daily life: “And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.” Jeremy has said he gets more out of a conversation with his dad than almost any sermon.

3. He is a wonderful father.

4. He leads gently, not tyrannically or despotically.

5. He has kind eyes.

6. He kills bugs for me.

Barbara's Cell phone pics 0507. If he drives my car and notices the gas is low, he fills the car up for me.

8. He knows how to fix a multitude of things.

9. He is smart.

10. He can usually handle problems and issues with people firmly but not angrily.

11. He is calm in a crisis and knows what to do or can figure it out in short order.

12. He has a great sense of humor.

13. He is very patient with my foibles.

14. He is a great griller!

image015. After Thanksgiving dinner he gets the rest of the meat off the turkey and then cleans out the roasting pan.

16. Sometimes he will clean the bathrooms unasked and unexpectedly.

17. He has a strong work ethic. He not only works hard and long to support us, he likes to do his best at any task.

CIMG513818. He took excellent care of his mother.

19. He is generous.

20. He has a lot of financial savvy.

21. He has a lot of sanctified common sense.

22. He is discerning.

23. He is generally more relaxed than I am. I appreciate the counter balance to my tenseness.

24. He can handle most of the technological stuff.

25. He is thoughtful.

26. He is more outgoing than I am.

27. Though he probably would say he doesn’t feel at ease in social situations, he handles them with apparent ease.

28. He is generally more upbeat and cheerful than I am. If he does get into a bad mood of some kind, it doesn’t usually last long.

29. He is still a gentleman.

30. He’s a man of strong principles.

31. He builds things for me.

Barbara's Cell phone pics 132

32. When there’s one piece left of a special treat he knows I like, he leaves it for me.

33. He’s a wonderful father-in-law.

34. He’s a wonderful granddad.

35. He listens when I need to talk something out.

36. He likes to find good deals.

37. He likes to problem-solve and is good at it.

38. He is compassionate.

39. He shows his love to me in countless ways every day.

40. He made this video for me eleven years ago to one of my favorite songs: “The Voyage,” sung by John McDermott of the Irish Tenors. I love to watch it every year. Some day we need to make an updated version.

Happy, happy anniversary! I wouldn’t have wanted to spend the last 40 years with anyone but you!

(Sharing with Global Blogging, Senior Salon, Hearth and Soul, Happy Now, InstaEncouragement, Grace and Truth)

17 thoughts on “On our 40th anniversary

  1. I loved her comments and the fact that she appreciated the beauty of simple deeds. We all need to remember that it is in the small deeds done well that we best show our love for one another!

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  2. This is a wonderful tribute. He sounds like quite a guy. Happy Anniversary! We celebrated our 40th anniversary in June – so we were married the same year – 1979!

  3. Oh Barbara, this was just beautiful. Right before coming here I had just read news of someone Carroll and I hold in high esteem in the UK who knows this is his last Christmas that he will spend with his wife and family due to cancer…but GOD. Reading your 40 reasons you love your husband and then watching the video and listening to the song just really blessed me to the point of more tears. Thank you for sharing such a treasure as your husband, marriage, and family with us. You do it with such grace.

  4. Barbara, this was LOVELY! I read each of your items and watched your video! My husband and I have been married for 43 years, and our wedding picture looks similar to yours (hairstyles, dress, tux, etc). I love your idea of writing 40 things you love about your husband. You’ve given me an idea for our 44th anniversary! Sounds like your husband is a LOT like mine! We are blessed indeed!!

  5. Wow that’s a lot of compliments !! Does he also have some faults, lol ? We are married for 50 years so I suppose mine doesn’t be so bad either ! You were a real cute couple, so young ! Today at least in Europe the average age of marriage is between 30 and 35 !! For becoming a mother too !

  6. Pingback: Stray Thoughts

  7. What a beautiful love letter to your husband! It really made me smile to read all the things you love about him! Happy Anniversary to you both! Forty years is an amazing accomplishment and I’m so happy for you! Thank you so much for sharing this happy post at the Hearth and Soul Link Party.

  8. Oh my gosh what a beautiful tribute to your husband! It really is inspiring to see what an effort you went to listing all these wonderful things that you love about him – I hope he knows how lucky he is to have you!! I hope you had a lovely anniversary Barbara and thank you so much for sharing this with us on #globalblogging x (P.S. being Irish I too love The Irish Tenors!)

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