“Managing” Christmas

We look forward to many enjoyable Christmas activities and traditions. But when we add them to an already-packed schedule, stress rises. We can feel frantic and pressured rather than enjoying the season. Who has time for a quiet moment to ponder the meaning of it all?

Though I am not an organizational expert, here are a few tips I’ve found helpful:

Start early. Some people shop all year for Christmas. That doesn’t work for everyone – they might not have the storage space, or desires might change over the year. It’s been a big help to me to buy Christmas cards fairly soon after they first come out, usually in November before Thanksgiving. I can find a good selection at a discount store then, whereas later they’ll be picked-over. The last few years, we’ve asked for everyone’s “wish lists” by Thanksgiving week, and by taking advantage of online sales that week, we’ve gotten the bulk of our Christmas shopping done then.

Evaluate traditions. Composer Gustav Mahler said, “Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.” Traditions are lovely ways to enhance a season and create family memories, but sometimes they become a burden rather than a blessing. I recently read of a family whose mom/grandmother had passed away. The first Christmas afterward, someone made the special dish that she had always made for Christmas dinner. But then they realized that none of them really liked it, and there were other, better ways to remember their loved one.

Involve the whole family. We always decorate the house for Christmas together as a family. My husband and I divide up the shopping. The kids help clean the house.

You don’t have to go to everything. School programs and recitals, special things going on in town, get-togethers with various groups all add to the fun but also the time constraints. Unless you like being out a lot, choose the most meaningful things for your family and forget the rest. Or rotate what you attend from year to year.

Some activities can be scheduled outside of December. Some people do their annual Christmas family newsletter around Thanksgiving or just after New Year’s rather than at Christmastime. We had one Sunday School class that scheduled its class party in January rather than December, both to relieve everyone’s December calendars and the church facility usage, and give us something to look forward to in January.

Put off what can be put off. In addition to what was mentioned in the last point, December is not usually the time for massive organizational or home projects. I also try not to schedule doctor’s or dentist’s appointments in December unless it can’t be helped. By the way, you might be thinking of getting appointments or procedures in before the end of the year if you’ve already met your deductible so that you’ll pay less. Check with your insurance about when their year starts and ends. We just found out a few months ago that our insurance company counts our year not from January to December, but from December through the following November, so December expenses count for the new year, not the current one.

Take shortcuts. It’s ok to buy pre-made cookie dough or even bakery or restaurant items rather than making everything from scratch for every activity or gathering. I store my mini Christmas trees (some maybe 10 inches tall, some about 2 feet) with the decorations on in their own containers, so when I put them up, all I have to do is fluff them out a little and put back on any decorations that fell off rather than decorating each from scratch each year. (If you have extremely fragile ornaments, that might not work).

Acknowledge changes in circumstances and seasons. A friend grieved one year because she was in the hospital with a kidney infection Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. She felt she was “ruining” Christmas for her family. Since nothing could be done about the circumstances, it would have been a good time to teach her kids to adapt. Maybe families could turn such times into something fun for the kids in some way (maybe Dad bringing doughnuts for Christmas breakfast in the hospital room, opening stockings there and saving the big presents for later, etc.). Another friend’s husband was in prison over several Christmases, another was homeless one Christmas. Some people get stranded in airports or can’t make planned trips due to bad weather. Though these things are sad and frustrating, they can’t be helped. It’s best to make the best of it in some way. And it’s funny how those “different” Christmases are the ones that we sometimes remember the most. On the other hand, some Christmases are filled with grief, and it’s ok not to be into the ‘frothy” aspects of the season. Also, as the family grows, or decreases when kids move out, the different things you do as a family might change. We used to get Christmas presents for all the siblings, then their spouses. But our giving decreased as families grew. Empty nesters might not do all the decorating they did when kids and grandkids were home for the holidays.

Find ways to focus on the meaning of the season. There are Advent Bible reading plans online that incorporate OT passages prophesying the Messiah’s birth as well the familiar NT passages about Christ’s birth and other applicable NT passages. I’ve been blessed by focusing on one Christmas devotional book in December. Some I’ve read are (linked to my reviews):

Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus: Experiencing the Peace and Promise of Christmas compiled by Nancy Guthrie, containing sermon excerpts or essays from as far back as Augustine and as current as Tim Keller.

Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room: Daily Family Devotions for Advent by Nancy Guthrie is geared for family usage, but I enjoyed reading it by myself as well.

The Women of Christmas: Experience the Season Afresh with Elizabeth, Mary, and Anna by Liz Curtis Higgs.

From Heaven: A 28-Day Advent Devotional by A. W. Tozer

I’m currently reading a new one, Gospel Meditations for Christmas by Chris Anderson, Joe Tyrpak, and Michael Barrett. I’m only a third of the way into it, but it’s good so far. I have enjoyed others in the Gospel Meditations series that I’ve read.

Don’t expect perfection. I wrote about our idea of a “perfect Christmas” a few years ago and compared it to the first Christmas. Traveling while heavily pregnant and giving birth in a stable would not rate as a perfect Christmas to most of us.  But that’s the Christmas setting of our nostalgic carols. More importantly, that Christmas the resulted in the Savior of the world being born. The point of Christmas celebrations is to remember and celebrate that birth, so if every bow isn’t straight or every cookie isn’t baked and decorated just right, it’s not the end of the world.

How about you? What ways have you found to get the extras done at Christmas and still have time for reflection?

“Christmas is so much more than a holiday. So much more than buying and wrapping and cooking and eating and trimming with tinsel and mailing out cards. It’s a season for reflection, for preparation, for renewal.” ~Liz Curtis Higgs, The Women of Christmas 

(Sharing with Inspire Me Monday, Literary Musing Monday, Glimpses, Tell His Story, Coffee for Your Heart, Porch Stories, Faith on Fire)

19 thoughts on ““Managing” Christmas

  1. You have some very good suggestions here. Christmas so often can turn into a rat race and leave us feeling tired and unfulfilled. We’ve decided not to worry about a big Christmas dinner, but have things available all day in a crock pot and on plates so that our adult kids and their families can just drop in any time during the day and just enjoy the time together as our gifts to each other. It’s taken a lot of pressure off and I am free to think about what the season means to us.

    Blessings to you! I’m your neighbor at #InspireMeMonday.

  2. Very helpful post! I do many of these things myself. As an introvert and someone who just enjoys “quiet,” I always try to plan/live with plenty of “white space” or “wide margins.” I know not to try to plan more than is going to be comfortable for me. Thank you for reminding me of some great tips.

  3. Great ideas! I love seeking Christmas in the simple things. Time with family is the best gift of all and if everything else fell to the side it would be okay. Blessed to be your neighbor at Barbie’s today.

  4. Post so appreciated. We are changing some traditions as our adult children & their families take over what Mom usually has done….read “adjustment” for Mom. :0) Wonderful to see what traditions they want to keep & what will fall to the wayside. Being together, focusing on our Wonderful Lord Jesus and simply enjoying the time together is most important. Having our children and their families around our dining room table visiting & sharing memories is the best gift of all for Mike & I. Thank you Barbara for the post & Advent recommendations. Blessed Christmas to you and your family and a New Year that finds each of you growing ever deeper in our Lord Jesus Christ.

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  9. Pingback: There is no one right way to celebrate Christmas | Stray Thoughts

  10. Pingback: Christmas Devotional Reading | Stray Thoughts

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