Everyday gifts

A few friends linked to this cute video on Facebook.

OK, some might think it a little cheesy. But it made a good point in a fun way. Though it was made with Christmas in mind, I thought it was perfect for Thanksgiving – or really, for any day – a reminder of all that we have. Much that we take for granted would have been considered luxuries throughout most of history, and in fact would still be considered luxuries by a lot of the world today.

This reminded me of an event several years ago when the church we attended then had a testimony time Thanksgiving Eve. Several young adults expressed longing to see God do something “big” in their lives. I couldn’t help but think of the children of Israel in the wilderness. The everyday manna was just as miraculous and just as much God’s provision as the parting of the Red Sea and victory in battle, yet they soon grew tired of that and wanted something else.

I don’t think those young people wanting to see God do something big in their lives that night were necessarily taking the everyday gifts for granted. I don’t know their hearts. But sometimes in longing for the “big” moments we can overlook the everyday evidence of God’s presence, love, and care – maybe a little like a husband or wife waiting for a grand, romantic gesture from the other rather than seeing the love in providing for each other, being attentive to each other’s needs and idiosyncrasies, and all the various little ways we evidence that “You’re the one that I love.”

May we see God’s hand and rejoice in His love and gifts in the everyday as well as in the milestone, once in a lifetime events.

It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto Thy name, O most High: to show forth Thy lovingkindness in the morning, and Thy faithfulness every night. Psalm 92:1-2

(Sharing with Inspire Me Monday, Literary Musing Monday, Glimpses,
Tell His Story, Coffee For Your Heart, Porch Stories, Wise Woman, Faith on Fire)

12 thoughts on “Everyday gifts

  1. Hi Barbara ~ Interesting you’d post this today because I’m making my way through Numbers and have been reading that deliverance story … and the endless complaining, finger pointing, grumbling, comparison, and thanklessness that accompanied the Israelites on their journey.

    Mmmm … kinda like we’re so prone to be in this generation.

    A wake up call for me for sure … to make gratitude my by-word, my mantra, my sacrifice of praise. God has been so very good to us. And His plans are sometimes beyond our comprehension …

    Thanks for taking us there today, friend …

  2. Barbara, yours is the second post I read today about giving thanks and praise to God for the “gifts” we take for granted every day. When we remember to praise Him and be thankful, I believe we are a lot happier. ๐Ÿ™‚ Blessings to you!

  3. I hadn’t seen that video, so I’m glad to find it here, Barbara. Wow–it is very convicting. If we’d see everything we already own as the true gifts they are, how content we would be!

  4. Pingback: November Musings | Stray Thoughts

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