Laudable Linkage

Here are some noteworthy reads online discovered in the last few weeks:

Voices That Haunt Us, ways to respond.

The Opposite of the Proverbs 31 Woman.

But Why Does She Get Babies?

Behold Your Mother. Quotes: “Care of parents, particularly in the latter years, is difficult, grueling, and offers little tangible reward. The elderly seem like speed bumps on the road to relevance. But if we really believe each human life was made in the image of God, if we really believe that every human has intrinsic worth, regardless of utility, we’d do better at embodying this ethic when it comes to equipping our people to care for their elderly parents.” “This is why care for the elderly is not simply “the right thing to do” but a vivid portrait of the gospel story. The Holy Spirit in us renews our self-centered motivations, reminding us that Christ cared for our spiritual disability while we were spiritually dead and “yet sinners.”

Ten Things To Do Differently *Before* You Lose Your Temper.

Bleep! Why Christians Shouldn’t Cuss.

5 Bad Substitutes For Discipline.

Dear Moms, Jesus Wants You to Chill Out.

Love Letters. HT to The Story Warren. Quote: “Today all around me I see a stark, utilitarian focus in writing in this age of technology: all must be said to purpose—briefly and efficiently; effortless interaction seems the primary goal as though thoughts are like footballs that simply need punting. Writing is regarded as a chore. Often, so is reading. Extra words, like Mozart’s famous “too many notes,” are regarded as distractions, time-consuming, even burdens on the reader. “Why does Melville ply us with his dense prose so packed with allusions? That is so boring,” I hear my students complain. “Why does Tolstoy carry on endlessly chasing one description after the other? Why can’t he just cut to the chase?” “Why does Tolkien play at length with interwoven plot lines in his wordy fantasies? Why can’t he get to the point?” Why? For one thing, I think it is because ‘the point’ is not the only thing that matters.”

And finally, something fellow book lovers will empathize with:

Waiting for sequel

Happy Saturday! 🙂

2 thoughts on “Laudable Linkage

  1. Love the poster! For that reason, I often wait to start a series until it is finished and all books are available at our local library. There are plenty of completed ones to read while I’m waiting.

    Also love the variety and the biblical points of view represented in your links. Amazing how some of them fit a need to know something I didn’t know I had.

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