Laudable Linkage

Here is some good reading from the past week:

I Got Nuthin, HT to Robin Lee Hatcher. Powerful. Quote: “If you don’t come to me empty, Jesus says to me, all you’ll have to offer is the self you are so full of.”

Feed It or Starve It, dealing with fear, anxiety, insecurity.

Oldest Living Couple Earth Gives Great Relationship Advice, HT to Lizzie.

Counting the Hours, good post for weary moms.

On Controversy, HT to Challies, John Newton’s advice to one planning to criticize someone else for a lack of orthodoxy. So needed in these days where Christians appoint themselves prosecutor, judge and jury online. The Bible teaches and demonstrates that we do need to stand for truth, but many people forget the spirit in which it says to do so. (BTW, though the article mentions a Calvinistic viewpoint, I am not a Calvinist.)

Top 10 Women in the Bible You May Not Know.

When Cheese Sandwiches Make You Cry.

Some controversy has come up recently over Pinterest and copyrights. For those unfamiliar with Pinterest, it’s sort of like a bunch of friends looking at magazines and pointing out to each other the things they really like in it, only it’s online. “You “pin” a photo from the site which links back to the original site, and others can “like” it or repin it. Evidently Pinterest’s fine print says if someone sues  for using their photo, they sue you, the user, and not Pinterest. That and other concerns led to the approach in this post: Why I Tearfully Deleted My Pinterest Inspirational Boards. But another approach is here, and I am more inclined that way. She makes the point that sites with a “Pin It” button at the bottom of their posts are okay with pinning, and she has other tips as well. I hope some of these issues can be clarified in the future, because I really do enjoy the site, especially the crafts and home decor boards.

This is about 36 minutes long but well worth the time:

Hope you have a good weekend! I’m so glad for sunshine after last night’s storms. Thankfully we didn’t have hail, power outages, or damage in our immediate area.

2 thoughts on “Laudable Linkage

  1. Thank you so much for linking to my site! I really appreciate the fact that you stopped in and read my story, and that you shared it with your readers. I’m a new blogger and appreciate all the support I’ve been receiving from the rest of the blogging community! I look forward to poking around your site some more!

  2. I REALLY needed to read the Feed it or Starve It article right this moment. So glad you linked to that. I needed a good kick in the pants to show some worrisome, stress-filled thoughts the door. Whew! This is hard work!

    Glad the really bad weather avoided you!

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