Laudable Linkage and a Few Funnies

Here are some interesting things I’ve seen in my online reading lately:

The Blind Quilter. Amazing. I can’t even do this with sight!

I seem to have marked several about parenting:

Mystery. Enjoying an uncommon moment of affection from a teen son. “Remember this. Remember this.

Everyday Is An Adventure about raising a son. “My boy was not disobedient, he was all boy, he was made of different temperament-a different mind, than my girls and I. I had an epiphany that day, and chose to embrace the adventure instead of struggle against it.” “Boy work is messy and smelly, but a freshly scrubbed boy in clean p.j.s is a gift from above.”

Moms and Teens. Good advice from a mom who has raised four.

First time obedience, really? I haven’t read any of Sally Clarkson’s books and have only recently heard of her, so I don’t know what her general philosophy of raising children is, but I like what I read here. Sometimes well-meaning parents, in a quest to train children to obey, run roughshod over the very hearts they’re supposed to be training.

I edited my review of One Thousand Gifts to add this, but in case you didn’t see it, in the second comment here Ann discusses her use of language that some feel is too explicit for intimacy with God, saying she wanted to reclaim it for the Kingdom and use it apart from cultural connotations and pointing out that even Spurgeon and Edwards used similar language. I do understand where she is coming from and think she had the purest motives, but I still think as sexually charged as society is today you have to be careful about what pictures words bring to mind. The cultural  connotations are going to be different from what they were in Edwards’ and Spurgeons’ time. But I do appreciate her explanation.

How To Make a Asymmetrical Stripe Buttons. So cute.

Applique with used dryer sheets.

20 tips for selling on Etsy.

The Sacred Sandwich specializes in satire, which I think you have to be careful with because it can be easily misunderstood at times. But they do have some funny things some times:


Aw, poor doggy.


5 thoughts on “Laudable Linkage and a Few Funnies

  1. I read “Everyday is an Adventure” and appreciated that. (Esp. after having a rough boy day yesterday.) My oldest, who has always been very cautious, is also throwing himself more into dangerous situations and seems to want to scare himself. I was NOT getting this and my husband assured me that this was normal and that he just wanted to test his bravery. Okaaay. It’s just a different. (As a girl, if something scares me once, it will be a LONG time – if ever – before I try it out again.)

    The baby video is HILARIOUS!

    And my favorite of the cartoons is the church dress. =)

    Thanks for all of that!

  2. Love that baby video. Several of my friends — you included — posted it and I watch it every time I come across it!

    I had a heck of a time watching the dog video. I felt so bad for him!

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