Book Review: The Book Lover’s Devotional

The Book Lover’s Devotional: What We Learn About Life From 60 Great Works of Literature is compiled by various authors, one of whom is blog friend Laura Lee Groves of Outnumbered Mom.

As the title suggests, 60 different books, ranging from old classics like The Count of Monte Cristo and War and Punishment to modern works like The Boy in the Striped Pajamas and A Prayer For Owen Meany are discussed in light of their spiritual truths. Most of the books are not written from a Christian worldview, yet even secular books convey spiritual truth: as someone once said, “All truth is God’s truth.”

The format of the devotionals gives a bit of background information about the book and usually a plot summary and then something that the devotional writer gleaned spiritually from the book. Each devotional ends with a Bible verse and a couple of questions for further thought. In a few cases just a scene from the book is discussed. In many cases the spiritual viewpoint may not be the overriding theme of the book, but rather just an aspect. In many cases as well, what the devotional writer may have seen was not necessarily what the book author intended: for instance, the chapter discussing Anne of Green Gables is titled “A Father to the Fatherless” and discusses how we come to God as orphans, and as a loving Father, He takes us to Himself and adopts us as His own. From everything I have read about Montgomery’s writing of Anne, I don’t think she had that theme in mind as she wrote, but it is certainly a valid spiritual application. That’s one thing that makes discussing books enjoyable: hearing what others got from them. But overall, the spiritual take-away is more direct: Captain Ahab’s hatred for Moby Dick dragging him down, both literally and spiritually, for instance.

I was a little apprehensive of reading the devotionals for those books I had not read yet for fear of spoilers, but overall they only enhanced my desire to read the book. My to-be-read list has grown after reading this book.

This was a very pleasant read and I am glad to recommend it.

(This review will also be linked to Semicolon‘s Saturday Review of Books.)

9 thoughts on “Book Review: The Book Lover’s Devotional

  1. Hmm…I’m not sure WHAT I would think of this book. I’m not much of a devotional fan as a general rule (preferring to blaze through my books!) but this certainly has an intriguing premise. I’m glad to know of it.

  2. Pingback: What’s On Your Nightstand: March 2011 « Stray Thoughts

  3. Pingback: Saturday Review of Books: March 12, 2011 | Semicolon

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