8 Questions Meme

Susanne at Living to Tell the Story tagged me with an 8 Questions meme, in which she asks 8 questions, I answer them, then make up 8 new questions to tag 8 others with. Here are Susanne’s questions and my answers:

1. What is your greatest joy?

Besides my own salvation and times with the Lord in His Word, I can honestly say with John, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth” (III John 4).

2. What do you do when you’re bored.

Mess around on the computer, surf through TV channels, or read. Which I do depends on what mood I am in.

3. Are you a sweet or salty snacker?

I have an overactive sweet tooth, so I am usually a sweet snacker, but sometimes a bag of chips or popcorn is the only thing that will do.

4. Beach or mountains?

This is hard — they both have their appeal. Beach, maybe, if it is not too hot and there aren’t too many people.

5. Favorite things on a burger.

I like my burgers fairly plain — mayo (preferably Miracle Whip, if I am making one at home), a little bit of mustard and ketchup, and a little lettuce. And cheese. Must have cheese. Sometimes a slice or two of bacon as well.

6. Would you rather have someone else do your laundry, clean your house or do your yardwork?

Clean my house.

7. Are you a one book at a time person or have many on the go at once?

I have at least two going at a time, occasionally three. I have one book in each bathroom, and if I am going through some type of Christian instructional book, I usually keep it with my devotional books and incorporate it into my devotional time.

8. Favorite scripture or quote.

This is another hard one, as there are multitudes of Scripture verses that have specially ministered to me, and I regularly post quotes that speak to me. I’ll narrow it down to two Scriptures that have come to the forefront over and over again in my life:

Psalm 16:11: Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.

Isaiah 41:10: Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

Here are my questions for Bobbi, Alice, Melli, Lizzie, Susan, Mama Bear, Jewel, Carrie, if they’d like to play along, and anyone else who would like to do it:

1. What do you is the greatest benefit you receive from blogging?

2. What was your childhood nickname? How did you get it? Are you still called that now? (Oops — I guess that’s three in one!)

3. Miracle Whip or mayonnaise?

4. What is your favorite season and why?

5. When you are sick, do you like a lot of attention and pampering, or do you like to be left alone?

6. Share one pleasant childhood memory.

7. Share a time a hymn ministered to you in a special way.

8. Describe your favorite coffee mug (or show us a photo of it). Why do you like it?

12 thoughts on “8 Questions Meme

  1. Great answers. I’m with you on mountains and the beach but I think I would have to say the beach and give me yard work any day. Great answers my friend 🙂

  2. I liked your answer to #1…I feel the same and now at least two of my grands are Christian, the others having been raised by Christian parents but so far, I’ve seen no evidence that they’ve made a commitment.
    Okay, I’ll try and do this…answering is easier than asking but I was just thinking of some things I’d like to know about certain people.
    Thanks for thinking of me.
    Mama Bear

  3. I’m a silent reader of your blog, but I love this meme and I will be using it as well. Thanks for the great idea! I enjoy your blog, by the way, because it’s refreshing to me… oh, and I’m a personal friend of Jewel’s, which is how I first found you. =)

  4. Wow! Ya know… I do not REMEMBER the last time I was BORED! It was back before computers – that’s for SURE! LOL! I have way to much stuff to keep me happy/busy so I’m never bored.

    I have someone else clean my house… now I would like someone else to do my husband’s yard work!!! 🙂

    You are the 2nd person to tag me with this – and the other one did it while I was out of commission – so I need to get to this soon! Perhaps… Sunday. No, Monday. NO, Tuesday… sheesh… well, maybe I’ll do it Saturday – but I won’t be around to PLAY that day… or Sunday… Life is BUSY! LOL!

  5. Hi Barbara…….thanks for tagging me. I’ll try to get to this either tonight or tomorrow.
    I’ve had little Jaylon quite a bit of late as the kids are working on their house, getting it ready to move into.
    My answer to your number one would def be the same! 🙂

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