What’s On Your Nightstand: May

What's On Your NightstandThe folks at 5 Minutes For Books host What’s On Your Nightstand? the fourth Tuesday of each month in which we can share about the books we have been reading and/or plan to read. You can learn more about it by clicking the link or the button.

I am also using this post for  Booking Through Thursday since the question for this week is: What books do you have next to your bed right now? How about other places in the house? What are you reading?
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The one book that is actually physically on my nightstand it Daily Light on the Daily Path, a devotional book of Scripture verses compiled by Samuel Bagster. I read the evening selection right before bedtime.

The books I have finished since last month are:

The Telling, next in the Seasons of Grace series by Beverly Lewis about an Amish mother who left her family without explanation in order to try to make something right from her past, then came home to seek her family’s forgiveness. My review is here.

Port of Two Brothers by Paul Schlener, a village along the Amazon River in Brazil named for two brother missionaries and their families who worked there, reviewed here.

My Heart Restored, a devotional by June Kimmel, not reviewed.

I am currently reading:

This Fine Life by Eva Marie Everson.

Traveler’s Rest by Sue Carter Stout.

Hope and Help For Your Nerves by Dr. Claire Weekes.

Hoping for Something Better: Refusing to Settle for Life as Usual, a Bible study by Nancy Guthrie. I’ve only read the introduction and part of the first chapter so far, but it is excellent. I don’t normally go straight from one Bible study into another — I like to primarily just read the Bible in my devotional time, this time with Warren Wiersbe’s With the Word as a companion. But I had so enjoyed Nancy’s anthologies for Easter and Christmas that when I saw she had written a Bible study, I knew right away I wanted to go through it.

Next up is Detour, a non-fiction sequel to Dr. Frau: A Woman Doctor Among the Amish by Grace H. Kaiser. That’s the last book on my Spring Reading Thing list besides a classic — I’ve been thinking about Emma by Jane Austen or an Agatha Christie novel. I know — I’ve been saying that for ages. I need to get get one of them and actually put it on my shelf.

And I don’t mean to be so repetitive for regular readers, but since this is a meme for readers, I wanted to mention one more time that I  have begun hosting a meme on Mondays where we can share interesting quotes we’ve read from books, blogs, etc. It’s called The Week In Words: you can read more about it here, and I hope you’ll join us.

Happy reading!

12 thoughts on “What’s On Your Nightstand: May

  1. I would enjoy the Seasons of Grace series. I may have to check it out. One day I definitely want to get around to Hoping for Something Better. Glad you’re enjoying it so far. Sounds like you’ve got a great list going!

  2. They all sound like great reads. I will have to check into some of these. Yes, I agree with Lisa, You have a great list going. Can’t wait to see what the future holds…

  3. The Telling sounds like something I would enjoy. When I was a kid I loved Nancy Drew and so everyone told me I would like Agatha Christie but I have never read one. 🙂

  4. Wow, you’re a prolific reader!

    I might join you on Monday. Suddenly, I see quotes all over the place that I’d like to share… :~D

  5. I know I have mentioned this before, but I love “With The Word.” I had a copy and a pastor friend of mine swooned over it, so of course I gifted her with it and have yet to purchase another. Your link just reminded me to do so and now I have a copy on Kindle for PC.

  6. I just got Nancy Guthrie’s ‘Dinner Table Devotions,’ but we are failing miserably at implementing it. We read a Bible story at breakfast, but I thought these devotions looked really excellent and pictured us doing them at supper while my husband and I wait for our two dawdlers to finish eating… Maybe it’ll still happen.

    Looks like a very nourishing list. This is one of my favorite memes, but I keep missing it…

  7. I’m glad to see that you mentioned Grace Kaiser and her books about being a doctor in the Amish and Mennonite communities of Pennsylvania. She was a member of the Phoenix Writers Club, and we had word that she passed away December 22, 2010. Unable to keep practicing medicine because of a tragic accident, she faced life courageously and wrote about her experiences. Read more at http://dnehrbass.blogspot.com/.

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