Friday’s Fave Five


Susanne at Living to Tell the Story hosts a “Friday Fave Five” in which we share our five favorite things from the past week. Click on the button to read more of the details, and you can visit Susanne to see the list of others’ favorites or to join in.

1. With the Word by Warren Wiersbe. I forgot who recommended this Bible handbook to me — Susan, maybe? But I had seen this recommended somewhere and asked for it for my birthday and received it. I just started using it several days ago — and I love it. In my reading the Bible through this time around I am slowing down through the epistles and reading them several times over before going on to the next one. I’m in I Timothy and had already read it a few times, but right on the notes for the first chapter there was a key point that I had overlooked that opened up the whole chapter. I had understood the individual verses before, but now the chapter as a whole made sense in a way it hadn’t before.

This isn’t so much an exegetical commentary as it is just Wiersbe’s notes along the way from his own studies, along with a few quotes here and there. There are more detailed commentaries, but for devotional type reading, this is perfect — I can get some additional insight without getting bogged down.

2. Cool mornings and evenings. We’ve just been getting out first touch of fallish weather this week, and I absolutely love it. It’s been cool but not cold, yet still warm in the afternoons.

3. Lights by the driveway and shelves. We (I say we –Jim) had removed them when we he painted a few weeks ago, and we had planned to replace them because the old ones were very hard to get into, but we just hadn’t had a chance to go look for any together. We finally did last weekend, and Jim got them put up. It’s so nice to have light there again. Jim also hung up my embellishment center and a shelf in my craft room. I don’t have my things organized on it yet — I’ll show pictures of the whole room when it’s done.

4. Kielbasa sausage stew for dinner last night. Wonderful! Hadn’t made it in a while. It’s not necessarily an autumn meal, but it seemed just right for this week.

5. A new grandpuppy. Jason and Mittu adopted a chocolate Lab/Weimaraner mix named Spresso. He’s cute.


Happy Friday! I have some responsibilities throughout the day, but if you leave a comment I’ll be by to visit you later this evening or in the morning.

18 thoughts on “Friday’s Fave Five

  1. What a sweet puppy. They can be so much fun (and even MORE fun when they are grandpuppies). And I’m loving the cool mornings and nights too. The leaves are changing out our way here in PA. It seems early but it is beautiful nevertheless.

  2. What a great name for puppy! It really is nice to finally get a project done that was “on the mind”
    Your stew sounds yummy. Have a great Labor Day Weekend…

  3. Spresso! What a great name for a chocolate colored dog. And he looks adorable. Your #1 is something I’ve been meaning to do: read through the epistles more than once. So thanks for the reminder. Have a great weekend!

  4. Great FFF post. Our class is studying the epistles right now. We are currently in Ephesians. I need to check out Wiersbe.

    I’m thinking Spresso is the perfect name for your grandpuppy. I think when the time comes a grandpuppy would be fun – but a grandbaby would be funner! 🙂

  5. Yummy. I love that stew! I haven’t made it in awhile. I think the next cool day that will be on the menu.

    “Grandpuppy”. LOL. That is sweet and isn’t he cute!

  6. What an adorable puppy! There’s your first grandchild already! LOL

    I know I told you this previously, but I found “With the Word” to be a wonderful addition to my Bible Study, too. Because the spine is so wide on the book, it will crack easily. I suggest you put book binding tape on it now. My pastor friend actually took the book to Office Max and had their print department punch it and put a plastic spiral binder on it.

  7. The puppy is adorable! I hope we get to see more pics of him in the future.

    I will keep that devotional book in mind, I am always looking for a good one.

    That kielbasa stew looks really good too. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Awwwww! He’s adorable! Spresso! I LOVE it! That is just too cute!

    When you say lights by the driveway, do you mean lamp posts? Or do you mean the little lights that line the driveway? (it’s important to know these things…)

    I am definitely heading to Amazon as soon as I leave here and putting that book IN my cart! Thanks! Oh, and thanks for the birthday wishes today too! 🙂

  9. We use kielbasa sausage in lentil soup. Mmmm…

    What a cute puppy–love his eyes popping out looking at the camera.

    Great FFFs this week, Barbara!

    Have a good weekend.

  10. I always enjoy reading your Friday’s Fave Five post.
    I am interested in the embellishment cupboard. I may have to buy myself one. Did it come from Michaels? I bought the little caddy/turntable with a 40%off coupon this week.

  11. Loove the puppy!! AND his name!! How cute!
    I love the cool temps, too, Barbara! I’ve been outside alot more this week enjoying the beautiful outdoors! I made potato soup this week with smoked sausage on the side and it was delish. Your stew sounds wonderful too! Have a great holiday weekend!

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