Friday’s Fave Five


Susanne at Living to Tell the Story hosts a “Friday Fave Five” in which we share our five favorite things from the past week. Click on the button to read more of the details, and you can visit Susanne to see the list of others’ favorites.

1. Our ladies’ meeting at church Monday night with one of my favorite people, a “retired” missionary with one of the merriest hearts I’ve ever known.

2. The poem I posted for Poetry Friday, “The Barefoot Boy.” Though my boys don’t explore outside in the summertime now like they did when they were little, this poem just brings back those memories of when the “great outdoors” of the back yard was a wonderland.

3. Puff’s Plus with lotion has been my best friend this week.

4. I’ve just become a convert to Ricola cough drops. I like Hall’s when I’m clogged up, but they do leave kind of an unpleasant aftertaste. My husband likes Ricola better, and I tried them last night and this morning. Very soothing for a sore throat.

(Forgive me, I don’t mean to sound like I am whining or sympathy-seeking by talking about my cold all week, but it has kind of been a major factor. I’m pretty much better except for post-nasal gunk irrituating my throat and making me cough.)

5. Dinner out with my boys at Fuddrucker’s — best burgers in town, though also about the most expensive, making them only an occasional treat, plus they have luscious fudge brownies. And root beer!!

And though my root beer spillage in my car was not a favorite thing, I just want to say a special thank you to my husband. He happened to be working at home that day, and when I told him about it, I was thinking I’d just need to sop up the mess with towels and then maybe try some carpet cleaner. Without being asked, he just stopped what he was doing, got the wet-vac (that thing has paid for itself many times over!) out of the shed, cleaned out the whole mess as well as the rest of the carpet in the van on a hot, humid day with sweat dripping, all without a word of complaint. I love that guy!

19 thoughts on “Friday’s Fave Five

  1. I had 4 barefoot boys and one little girl running around here not so long ago. That poem brings back sweet memories.

    I’m sorry to hear about your cold – hope you’re completely better soon.

    And bless your sweet hubby for cleaning up the spill!

  2. Good morning Barbara! Sounds like your week was full. What a wonderful description of someone “one of the merriest hearts I know” I wouldn’t mind that on my gravestone :0)
    How very sweet of hubby to serve you in that way!!
    Have a wonderful weekend…and I hope all the cold symptoms disappear!

  3. Well i’m so glad you are getting better. I hear you about the remains of a cold. And my sides and back hurt from coughing so much. We have one of those dry/wet vacs. They come in very handy plenty of times. Your husband was so cool to do that for ya. Those burgers sound good…next time order me one and send it COD LOL. Have a great FFF and get better real soon 🙂 Aloha

  4. I love Riccola drops. We tried a new berry flavor that was really good. Can’t remember exactly what kind of berry it was, but it was good. Hope you’re feeling better soon.

    There used to be a Fuddrucker’s in Calgary eons ago, and I remember it being a treat whenever we visited.

  5. Soooooooo even WITH a stinkin’ rotten’ no good nasty cold, there were still things to be happy about and thankful for! I’ve always been a fan of Hall’s cough drops… but the kids don’t like them. They prefer the Luden’s. I don’t think any of us has tried Ricola. Maybe we will… when the need arises again… no time soon I hope!

  6. It sounds like our husbands are similar, Barbara. We are so blessed, hm? *smile*
    I’m so glad to hear you are feeling better! ((HUGS))

  7. Aw, so glad your husband cleaned up that root beer. What a great guy!

    I hear you on the colds — we had colds for most of May, and it was miserable. My hubby had to re-stock our Puffs w/ Lotion supply twice. 🙂 Sure hope you feel better soon!

  8. Hope you get over your cold soon, Barbara! They can be so miserable.

    We used to go to Fuddrucker’s occasionally in TX. Sam got the 1-pounder once – ate the whole thing, but was miserable afterward! 🙂

    And what a guy your hubby is! He sounds a lot like mine – always doing something like that without complaint and expecting nothing in return. We are loved! 🙂

  9. I for one know it is hard not to blog constantly about an illness because there it is front and center and nothing else at that moment has much meaning! I am glad you’re on the mend.

    And it is wonderful to hear about a great husband. The subject I think should be banned on the net is spousal bashing! And I don’t me the occasional poke in fun (I always ask Amoeba before I post anything about him). Men — husbands in general — seem to be getting a really bad rap these days, and I know a lot of wonderful husbands and fathers who deserve better.

  10. Your husband is very sweet, Barbara. I love my hubby too. He takes good care of domestic matters (from cooking to laundry) because he enjoys doing them. God is good!

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