Friday’s Fave Five

friday-fave-five-springSusanne at Living to Tell the Story hosts a “Friday Fave Five” in which we share our five favorite things from the past week. Click on the button to read more of the details.

1. Blooming dogwoods. Most of the dogwoods in the neighborhood are in pretty much full bloom now. So pretty! I love how they flowers seem to float around the tree.


2. Bird bell feeder. We used to have a bird feeder, but it was on a wooden stand that rotted over time, and we’ve never gotten it back up. But I got one of those bell-shaped bird seed hangers and hung it within view of the kitchen window. It was a couple of days before it was noticed, but now it has regular visitors.

3. Finishing Les Miserables!

4. Testimony service. Though the death and funeral of a friend could not be listed as a favorite thing, I enjoyed a testimonial time Sunday night at church in which many people shared her impact on their lives, plus many of the things that were said at the funeral. Pastor said, “You never had to guess what she was thinking because she would have already told you.” So true. She was kind of a crusty New England transplant to SC and was very direct, though never unkind. He also said, “Her best days were worse than our worst days.” She had a host of physical problems, yet kept active and kept a cheerful attitude. She took a warm personal interest in other people, especially young people. She dealt with problems and issues in a matter-of-fact way. The many things various people said about her life were a reminder of the influence, example, and encouragement we can be to others.

Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place. For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish. II Corinthians 2: 14-15.

5. Easter week. I love this season of the year to reflect and remember that God loved us enough to send Christ to pay our sin and its penalties on Himself on the cross, and demonstrated His power and victory over the grave. One of my favorite Easter poems is the following:

Tomb, thou shalt not hold Him longer;
Death is strong, but Life is stronger;
Stronger than the dark, the light;
Stronger than the wrong, the right;
Faith and Hope triumphant say
Christ will rise on Easter Day.

– Phillips Brooks, An Easter Carol


That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Romans 10:9-10.

14 thoughts on “Friday’s Fave Five

  1. I’ve never read that poem before – but I love it! Amen!

    Don’t you love having the birds in your yard? I currently have 6 seed feeders, one thisle feeder, and 3 suet feeders! I LOOOOOVE my birds!!! LOL!

  2. Beautiful list this week, Barbara. The one about your friend really touched me. I pray that I can be like that. She sounded like a very special lady.

    Loved the poem you shared. I haven’t heard that one either.

    We don’t have dogwoods around here. They are absolutely beautiful!

  3. Barbara, the picture you show of the dogwood tree is fabulous!

    You touched my heart with the testimony of your friend. I hope that similar words can be said at my memorial! Living so that we can make an impact on others – that is key!

    Thanks, too, for the last scripture you posted about Easter. I didn’t think to do that and we all should have on our blogs how to be experience salvation!

  4. Hi Barbara,
    First time visitor here. I really enjoyed reading your list, especially about your friend.
    I also loved your photo.

    Thanks too for visiting my blog.
    Happy Easter.

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