If you came to my house…

I saw this fun meme at My 3 Boys and I

If you came to my house…

You would see:

If you came to the front door, a very small porch area and an outer door in need of paint, and the inner door with this…

Heart wreath

However, if you came to the side door you’d see roses and hydrangea in bloom just now.

We’d probably feed you:

a chicken and potatoes and carrots crock pot recipe that I often make for company and something with chocolate for dessert.

And offer you this to drink:

oh, we have a wide assortment of juices, tea, colas, and, of course, water. Which would you prefer?

We’d undoubtedly ask if you’d read:

Amy Carmichael, Isobel Kuhn, or Elisabeth Elliot, the Bible.

We’d want to play this music for you:

Possibly Jesse’s latest recital piece if we are talking about an instrument; if recorded music, if I have any on while company is here, it is without words so as not to compete with conversation. My two favorite instrumental recordings are guitar CDs Hear My Prayer by Matthew Burtner and Sun of My Soul by Brian Pinner and David Chapman. Or maybe any of the Eine Kleine Kaffeemusik CDs

We’d want to tell you the latest about:

Jim and Jeremy’s trip to Brazil.

We’d probably suggest a game of:

Apples to Apples or Ticket to Ride or Wii bowling.

We might show off:

I don’t like to think of it as showing off, but often people ask to see the house.

We might get on the computer and show you:

Pictures! 🙂

If it was a long enough visit, we might watch:

A DVD, though we don’t own too many — a few Austen-esque chick flicks, most of the Pixar films, the LOTR series.

What would a visit to your house be like?

I hope it would be relaxed and enjoyable.

Let me know if you do this one, too — I’d love to come visit. 🙂

5 thoughts on “If you came to my house…

  1. I LOVE that flower heart

    yum chicken and chocolate

    juice please

    I havent read any of those authors Ill have to write them down and yes I have read the Bible. Parts of it anyway. I find it hard to read to be honest.

    your choice of music sounds nice

    Id love to hear about that trip to Brazil. I enjoy watching http://www.intrepidtravel.com/intrepidjourneys

    Apples to Apples or Ticket to Ride never heard of these games.

    I always say I must one of the few New Zealanders that has never seen LOTRs

    I enjoyed this 🙂

  2. oh, my… i’d love to come a’visitin’ at your house! especially if it involved a jane austen adaptation… do you happen to have the a&e version of pride and prejudice, that’s my favorite;)

    oh, and i might steal that pretty wreath on my way out, lol:D

  3. I love Elisabeth Elliot, Isobel Kuhn and the Bible! I haven’t read Amy, I don’t think, but I have read her biography.

    What a nice visit that was!!

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