Book Review: Sisterchicks Go Brit!

Sisterchicks Go Brit! is the seventh in the Sisterchicks series by Robin Jones Gunn. A “sisterchick” is defined as “A friend who shares the deepest wonders of your heart, loves you like a sister, and provides a reality check when you’re being a brat.”

This series is a lot of fun and very easy to get into, yet it is hard to call it a “light” read because of the lessons, spiritual and otherwise, that the friends learn. Each book has a different pair of friends in different stages of life going off on an adventure, deepening their friendship, learning about themselves, each other, another country, and their relationship with the Lord.

The friends/sisterchicks in this book are mid-life moms Liz and Kellie who end up in England, where Liz has been wanting to visit since she was a teen-ager. In one sense the landmarks and customs were a little more familiar to me: I have never been in England, but of course I have heard and read more about it than other countries.

In a sense this book didn’t seem quite as “fun” to me as compared to the others, but it has been a long time since I read the last one, so I am not sure whether my memory is faulty. But perhaps it is just that I struggle with some of the same things Liz does and would have had a much harder time when things didn’t go according to plan or when glitches came up than she did. I “know” on one level that God is in control and in charge of all such things, but when I seek Him in the planning stages I tend to think that everything will go according to plan…and, of course, it doesn’t, then I get tense and nervous. I appreciated the reminder and the example to learn to just entrust the Lord with the schedule and the events and everything that happens in connection with them, knowing that He is in control and can handle everything that comes up — and that He might have an interesting detour I never would have thought of.

I appreciated the emphasis, too, that “midlife” doesn’t mean your dreams and your work are ready for the shelf, but it can be a time of exploring and expanding on them.

I do recommend the Sisterchicks series. Let me know if you have read this one or any of them and what you think.

8 thoughts on “Book Review: Sisterchicks Go Brit!

  1. I am always looking for new good books to read. Thanks for this tip.

    Thanks also for stopping by my Friday S&T today – I love having new visitors. Your sewing theme was pretty amazing. I really miss being creative, but I am glad I have the proof to show that I used to be!

  2. Hello! I just finished this book yesterday! 🙂
    In hindsight I really like this book and reading about the places they visited.
    I too am a planner and want things to move right along and not deviate from the plan, so there were times in this story that I wanted to hurry up the two friends to the next tourist spot. However, their deviations from their original plan led to some great experiences, so I suppose it was a lesson for me to “stop and smell the roses” even when things don’t go according to plan. 🙂

  3. Hi, I have read a bunch of the Sisterchick books and I love them!! The one where the sisterchick’s go to Hawaii is one of my favorite for sure. I will have to tell Kelly to put this one on hold for me at the library. It sounds good!! Thanks for the review!!!
    Have a nice weekend. Love and hugs Grams

  4. Pingback: Spring Reading Thing Wrap-Up « Stray Thoughts

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