Book Review: The Listener

The Listener is an older book by Terri Blackstock, and I had picked it up somewhere along the way, but somehow hadn’t read it yet. Terri is one of my favorite authors, and I have read almost everything she’s written, so I was glad to add this one to the collection.

The premise is that a somewhat indifferent Christian man named Sam, who is more interested in getting out of church early to get to a restaurant, suddenly is gifted with the ability to hear the needs of souls around him. At first it is maddening and disturbing. He goes to his pastor, who at first thinks he needs to see a counselor, until Sam remarks on what the pastor’s heart cry is. His pastor tells him he needs to use this gift to point people to the Lord, but Sam is filled with fear and has all the standard excuses most of us do: I can just be a witness for the Lord by my life; I don’t know how to bring it up; what if someone asks me a question I can’t answer? Sam’s reaction and development of his gift and the reactions of those he talks with as well as his family and friends comprise most of the rest of the book.

I don’t want to give away too much of the plot — it is a very short book, so if I disclose much more I’ll be giving the story away. But I will say I much appreciated the conclusion that we don’t need such a gift, nice as it would be, because we already know what people most need, and we have the Word of God and guidance of the Holy Spirit. But through the use of this gift as a plot device, Terri does an expert job at bringing out the problems and joys of our need to share our faith.

By the way, Semicolon hosts a weekly review of books on Saturdays: bloggers can link to book reviews on their site and/or read book reviews from others.

5 thoughts on “Book Review: The Listener

  1. Sweet Bloggy Friends/Siestas (and the “Know & Tellers”)

    If you get a chance, go over today to ( if you visit my site, you will see the button that will link you directly there). This is the new meme I am involved with… I only ask one question, but I would love to have all you participate so I can read your answers… Blessings, and hope to hear from you soon… To Know Him

  2. I love Terri Backstock too, but have never heard or seen this one. I’ll have to check out the library and see if they have it. The plot sounds very intriguing.

  3. Pingback: Saturday Review of Books: May 17, 2008 at Semicolon

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